Sunday, October 17, 2010

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gambling: drug addicts or kick for

experts recognize four types of compulsive players

Barcelona / Berlin (pte/16.10.2010/06: 15) - Gambling addicts can hardly be lumped together. Some overlap with the addictive emotional problems, some suffer from alcohol addiction, however, some are well-adjusted successful people. Researchers at the University of Barcelona beat in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry for a subdivision. Based on the survey of 1,200 gambling addicts, they describe four main types. "We need different treatments for each subgroup of pathological players. First we meet their therapeutic needs," says the study's leader Susana Jiménez Murcia.

escape or thrill

"In the treatment of gambling addicts is dominated by two particular types. For some, the game is a drug, for others a suggestion," Chantal Morton reported by the Department of gambling addiction the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Charite Berlin , press text opposite. The first type covers the game anxiety or depression and thus serves to escape and prevent problems. often affects people who are are difficult to reach out to others. "This often includes women, even though gambling addicts are otherwise mostly men," says the psychologist.

The search for the thrill is in contrast to the second main group in the foreground. "These people are get their kicks by playing for money. For them it is always lost hope and pray. This is the roulette or betting on sports is the case, but less so at vending machines," said Morton. The preference for high-risk limited at them hard on the game, so in this group are also alcohol and drug abuse the rule. Noticeable here are also narcissistic and emotionally-expressive personality disorders.

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as English researchers also reported by other groups, the Berlin expert addicted gamblers, not noticeable by the disturbed personality. "Some are solely focused on recognition and success in life. If you want to show weak and not go with the problem better by itself, instead of looking for help." To treat compulsive gamblers are generally at most only to great suffering. This means in practice, such as divorce, separation, housing termination, dismissal or large debts. "At some point, usually breaks down everyday," said Morton.

new look at gambling addiction

Behind the Tape determining the question of how the medicine deals with the future gamblers. In May 2013, the fifth version of the Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) will appear . This standard of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for the assessment of mental disorders called pathological gambling so far as "constant and increasing failure, the to resist urge to play "-.. and thus as a disorder of impulse control, the experts criticized this approach greatly since with those affected large differences are is therefore now a new category." are behavioral and substance addictions created

From DSM- 5, Morton also expects a lot, especially from a recognition of gambling addiction as a behavioral addiction. "The effectiveness of the therapies could better understood, drugs tested for relapse prevention and the cost of acquisition can be improved. School prevention work would be possible and gamblers were given greater access to addiction. "Further, society must, however, sensitized to do to be that gambling addiction is a disease and not "buck up and play less" with weakness of will or has. "Also, can the stigma of addiction is not thereby eliminated from the world," said the expert.

original study

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Dental Bochum, information: dental care and pregnancy

dental care during pregnancy. An important topic!
informed dental practice deniers:

know what just a few:

Development of baby teeth in the fetus begins in the sixth to eighth week of pregnancy. The mother's diet influences so early on the structure of the teeth of the child in the womb. Expectant mothers should therefore take special care that they take plenty of calcium, iron and phosphate-containing foods in order to influence their child's dental development positively.

important for mother and child:

Pregnant women should definitely pay attention to the fact that they are getting enough fluids. Water, herbal teas and juice spritzers are to name as the optimal fluid supplier.

Very important:

caries-causing bacteria (germs) can already be transferred to the child from the mother. A thorough and comprehensive dental care in the months of pregnancy is so very, very important. American studies show that increases poor dental hygiene and untreated gum disease, even the risk of premature birth.

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We look forward to meeting you!
Phone: 0234-53 30 44

more information from and about us at the following websites:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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The movement Zheng-Ming (正名)

Zheng-Ming (正名) is a term derived from classical Chinese, is from Confucius, and is translated as "rectification of names". Already about two thousand five hundred years there have been arrogant Mighty, the facts as long renamed to the new names the moral reprehensibility of the acts of the powerful hidden. Although their power was undeniable - after all, they could also set the new names - they could afford it but not the Chinese people for moral reasons against it apply. So they played the little-educated people of something, so that was very much accepted only from lack of understanding. But it was accepted. This is exactly how similar today in the German speaking countries (and beyond) will be directed by political actors. The method is the same, the problem is the same, the possible counter-measures are the same, but unfortunately very few. The dangers are now but a larger inequality, because it is now much more dangerous and prone to abuse technology.

against the arrogance of power that defines our political caste in the day, it does not help much to work for direct democracy. Although this is an important goal, but along the way it seems to move forward a single step. Our entire economy is at the mercy of speculators and as a result widespread poverty in supposedly rich countries. to reform the monetary system would be a useful counter-measure, but it has been known for over a hundred years and still is not achieved in the field. One could at many more, is in a bad tweak. But it's going nowhere. It fails often in the communication among the few who stand up for change. It is deliberately sabotaged by the powerful, from the winners of our rotten system. The destruction of the German language (there are here already some items and there should be more) was finally passed not without reason in the ways. Language and philosophy are actually the same. One can see that easily by the philosophy of the ancient Greeks, based on the whole of Western philosophy, which compares with the Indians and the Chinese. Indian and Western philosophy are very similar because they both were developed by speakers of Indo-European languages. The Chinese philosophy is very different from this, because Chinese language has a different grammar. (To do this maybe once more in another article.) Language is not simply a means of communication. to destroy a means of communication is to is bad enough. But a language is a memory for the wisdom and experience of a people. A language is shaped by history, geography, literature and religion. This is noticeable in proverbs and idioms. Often, you can not directly translate sentences from one language to another. The destruction of the German language throughout Central Europe will be taken away common sense. However, it is to defend himself. Only if the opposition is, however successful, can prevent the worst political antics.

Today, everyone knows how important education is. Today, anyone can speak publicly, even if only through the net. So now everyone can at the education involved. Often already been articles in the press with comments and forums to be corrected or enriched by knowledge that is missing from the press entirely. School and university education is now virtually held no longer in schools it has probably never will. Mainly in the network are sharing information and knowledge is spread mainly over the network are arranged projects sought expert opinions, discuss, create documents and corrected. But opinions and paid as a professional advertorial are now distributed through the network. Unfortunately, the too rarely recognized for what they are. So often quoted nonsense. Of course it is still correct, Quotes genuine pass. Often it is a sic! noted in parentheses, even if the completely unnecessary. Who nonsense as such recognizes and wants to set the record straight, could not yet point to a similar conspicuous manner on it. But that is finally different. Instead sic! we write 正名 in such a case! Finally, many educated people to point to correct names Asked how it could be Konfuzii times face down. But he obviously could not do much. But now was to change the last. Even the last anywhere in the world. No one should be more concerned with spreading false information (as is unfortunately the Adminpedia to degenerate Wikipedia does again and again) can get away. Instead of the peace mission (sic) we now write military mission (正名)! Instead cheaper nuclear power (sic) should be written now heavily subsidized (正名!) Nuclear power! Or better yet cheaper (sic) == heavily subsidized (正名!) Nuclear power! Generally, we write x (sic) == u (正名)! At least now some are nonsense propagator gone over to the highly subsidized nuclear power to be called cheap, what is the opposite of expensive, rather than cheap, just the opposite of what would be of high quality. A contradiction in the term "peaceful uses of atomic energy" would be. As can also correct any more. One can only point out there that operate all states, nuclear fission, plans for nuclear weapons or have had at some point. For no other reason anyone would ever bother with such an absurdly risky technology. Nuclear physicist at all not at all been the same.

Many things that would rectify that, I could list more. But there is no reason to the wheel (again) reinventing. There are already many corrections to find the net, when no one by the simple and elegant, and urbane 正名! indicates. For example, there are many comparisons of real and related false terms, when you look at this link for posts by baldur white rock, which has, in fact nothing to do with the bleating here. Many should be able to see through false notions in a similar manner. But far too few to make others aware then that. Thus, the people are constantly lied to and cheated. Here, the remedy so simple and does not require much effort. Makes it easy with the 正名 movement!

The Blok Zheng-Ming (正名) provides guidance in untangling the most important terms, because that is its real meaning and Purpose. Latest with the basic knowledge from the Blok Zheng-Ming (正名) should be able to learn to distinguish false reporting of correct and incorrect information from the right. Of course, for some articles longer needed and it is regrettable that not all concepts can really be explained. But the world is nunmal very complex and even a highly unreliable encyclopedias like Wikipedia has thousands of volunteers. There must be a limit of small, insignificant Blok on the absolutely necessary foundation. Distribution of this 正名 movement through the entire network could the situation of the whole World a better place but crucial. If at some point no more political Kasper longer web of lies to the course, then policy must necessarily be made to the citizens, rather than - as before - only against them.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

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memory is not the same memory - How the brain creates different memories

What sticks in memory is largely dependent on what aspects of an event we focus on. Magdeburg Neuroscientists have now identified two networks in the brain store the learning characteristics of a qualitatively different information.

A Dispute on the street can turn our attention to different aspects of the scene: If you concentrate on what is there, screaming, you can probably remember later the subject of the dispute, but perhaps not to the clothing of the contestants.

other hand, if we focus much on the look, you can play them more likely details about the color of the clothes than on the content of the dispute. Successful recall depends always also depends on which part of memory contents (eg, superficial or semantic features) currently is of importance.

In the study at the University Clinic of Neurology, the brain activity of subjects using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) were measured while they memorize a long word lists. This learning phase was followed by a two-stage "memory test". This successive words flashed for only very short time (33-66 msec) on the screen, and the subjects should first try to identify these words. Thereafter, should also be specified, whether it is just shown the word to a previously learned or is a new word. Previously learned words were identified better than new words. This effect is known as implicit (unconscious) memory, because it occurs regardless of whether the subjects could consciously remember to have learned the appropriate word in advance (explicit or conscious memory).

The brain researchers now analyzed the brain activity of subjects during learning, separately for words that are later consciously, unconsciously or even to be remembered. It showed, first, that a previously known network of the hippocampus, the lower lobe and upper parietal lobe later conscious (explicit) remembering predicted. On the other hand was found as well as an independent network of brain regions of the upper frontal and inferior parietal lobe, that the increased activity in the subsequent successful identification of the words the unconscious memory predicted. Amazingly, this network corresponded exactly to the brain regions that typically also predict forgetting in explicit memory. The Magdeburg researchers suggest that this network is always active when people focus their attention on the more superficial features (eg appearance) of information. This standard of the processing has a positive effect on the subsequent identification, but a negative effect on the conscious recollection.

When learning seem so different brain networks in qualitatively different aspects of processing and storing of memory contents. Activity in those regions that are typically later-conscious Remember predict, presumably reflecting the re-processing of word meaning. While this has a beneficial impact on the explicit memory, but also detrimental to the unconscious visual processing of information. Similarly, there are brain regions that process the visual aspects of information and leave a memory trace rather superficial, but their activity can have negative consequences for the later conscious recall of that information.

The corresponding paper was published in the current issue of the Journal of Neuroscience "(October 6, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0588-10.2010): M. Wimber, Heinze HJ, Richardson Klavehn A. (2010). Distinct fronto-parietal networks set the stage for later perceptual identification priming and episodic recognition memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (40), 13272-13280.

contact person for inquiries:

Dr. Maria Wimber

e-mail: maria.wimber @

Dr. Alan Richardson-Klavehn

e -mail: alan.richardson-Klavehn @

Ögelin Düzel-Candan

Head of Press and Public Relations Department of Neurology and Department of Stereotactic Neurosurgery Leipziger Strasse 44, 39120 Magdeburg

Tel: 0391 / 6117535

Fax: 0391 / 6117531

e-mail: web-oegelin.duezel candan @ : http:// /

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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chocolate as a trigger factor for migraine? This is a mistake!

patients with migraine need not to give up on chocolate. With champagne or red wine, but be careful.

MANNHEIM (eb). "Chocolate causes migraine" - this is a common statement when it comes to alleged trigger of a migraine attack. According to new findings need migraine patients Chocolate not to avoid, however, Professor Peter Kropp said the Centre for Neurology at the University of Rostock at the opening press conference for the German Pain Congress in Mannheim.

that chocolate and other sweets are mentioned repeatedly as a migraine trigger is attributed to the fact that up to 70 percent of patients report that they have to attack before the craving sweets. However, a study had shown that sweets are not the triggers. The pleasure it is merely a signal for the impending migraine. The reason is simple: "The brain needs energy for the next attack," said Kropp.

also argued with their partner is not a trigger. The often existed prior to an attack irritability or nervousness Wear in contrast to the dispute.

know if migraine patients, that a glass of champagne or wine could cause a migraine attack, try to avoid it. New studies show, however: to avoid migraine triggers, reinforced the symptoms - it is always being added more triggers. "Patients should get better deal with these trigger factors," said Kropp. Because you can "head" used to the migraine trigger. "Raises Red wine from migraines, patients should be as quiet now and drink a glass This also works with homeopathic . Doses, thus greatly diluted "

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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obesity: lack of sleep compromised diet success

Chicago - Plenty of sleep could be a recipe for a successful diet in a randomized study in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2010, 153: 435-441) impaired sleep. the breakdown of fatty tissue. Moreover, the subjects, presumably due to an increase in the fat hormone ghrelin, hungrier.

ten overweight people (BMI 27.4), middle-aged (41 years) four weeks spent in the sleep laboratory at the University of Chicago. They underwent there is not only a strictly controlled diet. The sleeping times were determined. For two weeks they should Spend 8.5 hours in bed, in the other two weeks she had left it after only 5.5 hours.

The sleep deprivation was not without effect on the diet. Although they received during the entire period the same amount of calories (1450 kcal / day) decreased and the same amount of weight (about 3 kg in each of the two phase), the sleep deprivation prevents the desired reduction in fat tissue. It was only 0.6 kg back.

accounted for the rest of the weight loss of lean tissue. The two weeks with a long sleep had the opposite effect: The subjects in this lost time 1.4 kg of fat (more than twice as much as in the lack of sleep), while the loss of lean tissue was limited to 1.5 kg.

The statement is the opinion of the endocrinologist Plamen Penev in the fat hormone ghrelin to search, its concentration was increased by the lack of sleep from 75 to 84 ng / l. Ghrelin was not only responsible for the greater hunger - the subjects outside the controlled environment of the study are expected to have given in, while she had to endure in the hospital.

Ghrelin also reduces the oxidation of fatty acids and increased gluconeogenesis in the liver. The message is therefore Penev clear: diets should be Obese time they spend most asleep in bed.

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ADHD often precursors of depression

Chicago - Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often suffer from depression as teenagers. Also, suicide attempts were in a long-term study in the Archives of General Psychiatry (2010, 67: 1052-1059) observed.

's group Benjamin Lahey of the University of Chicago describes a group of 125 children in whom ADHD at the age of four to six years, has thus already been in preschool. Almost every second patient had to adulthood, at least one depressive episode. In 23 children with ADHD (18.4 percent) presented the Psychiatrist's diagnosis of depression (two or more episodes), about ten times more frequently than in a comparison group of matched children without ADHD.

Increases were also the rate of suicidal ideation (five times) and suicide attempts (twice). For a total of 23 children a suicide attempt was documented, but which resulted in no case to death. Although girls suffer less from an ADHD, was with them a higher risk of depression or suicide attempts than boys, says Lahey, who warns, however, against the danger of overestimating: About 80 percent of ADHD children can not be classified as suicidal.

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deep brain stimulation for OCD

Amsterdam - OCD can be alleviated by deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens ease. For this result, a small double-blind study comes in the Archives of General Psychiatry (2010: 67: 1061-1068).

The DBS was originally developed to treat Parkinson's disease, where it relieves the motor symptoms such as tremors. Meanwhile it is also evaluated for the treatment of psychiatric disorders such as depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.

offers case of OCD, the bilateral stimulation of the nucleus accumbens to the destination. He is part of the neural reward system of the brain. His patients could be switched on, snapping the tormenting them persistent "obsessive" thoughts and repetitive "ritualized" behavior free.

comes as invasive therapy a deep-brain stimulation for Damien Denys from the University of Amsterdam Academic Medical Center is only open when a considerable psychological strain is present and no medical treatment Relief had procured. The 16 participants in the study had been more than 5 years from severe OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Scale Yale-Brown Y-BOCS 28 of 40 points or more) had failed and at least three drug therapies.

All patients were placed in a stereotactic procedure bilaterally advanced multiple probes in the nucleus accumbens. The study consisted of three phases. On an eight-month open phase, looking at the for an optimal strength of deep brain stimulation, was joined a one-month double-blind phase, knew where neither patients nor investigators that the devices were turned on or not, which was for two weeks of the case. Thereafter, the patient over 12 months under the activated deep brain stimulation observed.

showed in the open phase, that therapy is not always achieved their goal. In seven patients, the Y-BOCS are not reduced significantly. This could be located, according to Denys of a non-optimal placement of the electrodes have or the fact that some patients may experience the disorder as egosyntonisch ie not a pathological, which can be perfectionists in the case.

Anyway: In 16 patients experienced during treatment to a very marked reduction of the Y-BOCS at an average of 23.7 points, corresponding to a relative decrease of 72 percent. The difference with the sham-deep brain stimulation in the middle phase in these patients was only 8.3 points or 25 percent relative, so that a certain placebo effect probably can not be excluded.

Since the therapy is not without side effects, it is likely to remain limited to patients who otherwise can not be helped. In addition to the complications of surgery, deep brain stimulation may also trigger even side effects. This includes excessive lifting of the state of mind to hypomanic symptoms, occurring in every second patient.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

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Bochum and Herne: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Periodontology

On 17 and 18 September 2010 was a dentist Bochum / Herne ( ) in the ARPA-DGParo fall meeting at the former Bundestag, World Conference Center Bonn.

annual meeting in the former German Bundestag in Bonn
were The conference focus:

  • Bioactive factors for periodontal regeneration.

  • perspectives of periodontal stem cell therapy.

  • treatment of recession, enamel matrix proteins or connective tissue.

  • peri.

  • periodontium and biomechanical stress.

  • Orthodontic therapy in periodontally compromised patients.

  • The genetic basis of inflammatory Periodontal disease.

  • Antimicrobial peptides - the periodontal innate immune defense.

  • antibiotics in anti-infective therapy of periodontitis therapy.

Please contact us if you are one of the issues particularly interested
and let us professional advice!

more information Documents are also available like in person (Tel: 0234-53 30 44),
or at the following websites: