高丽 手 指针
Sanfernando.cc is a center specializing in technical round of the China and Korean traditional medicine.
c / palm, shopping center * 45 SANFERNANDO Round n
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / Spain
e-mail: people116 @ hotmail . com
t) 928-77-31-63 Mobile
) 619-77-09-23
We have over 20 years of industry experience and have treatments for any health problem. From the first session mejoría.Consulta notice the information without obligation.
Call to reserve time. TREATMENTS AND CURES
-Acupuncture and moxibustion.
- laserpuncture.
- Electroacupuncture (therapy without needles).
use disposable needles for all treatments.
offer treatments for:
- laserpuncture.
- Electroacupuncture (therapy without needles).
use disposable needles for all treatments.
offer treatments for:
- Neck .- Lumbalgia. - .- Sciatica herniated disc.
- Asthma esguince .- .- .- Tobacco bronchitis.
- Hypertension .- tachycardia and hypotension.
- Ulcer of stomach and duodenum.
- Estreñimiento .- gastritis.
- Depression and anxiety Stress .- .- .- Insomnia Vertigo.
- Problems mestruación .- .- Anemia menopause.
- obesity.
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acupuncture practice "KIM"
sanfernando Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / España
treatment of colds, headaches, allergic diseases, back pain, digestive diseases, smoking and drug cessation strategies.
Kim donsik is also designed for use following the old traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbal therapy
c / la palma, centro commercial Ronda n * 45 - sanfernandoLas Palmas de Gran Canaria / España-mail: people116 @ hotmail . comt)
(34) 928-77-31-63 Movil) (34) 619-77-09-23
What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a healing method that by changing the influence of well-defined points of certain skin diseases and disorders of human organs and their functions improved or eliminated. This is possible because there are between the skin and internal organs, known interactions.
The name of acupuncture is derived from the Latin names for point, namely "acus" and insert "Pung" used.The philosophical and theoretical foundations of acupuncture have been formulated over 2000 years in traditional Chinese medicine, and have their main roots of the Laozi (500 BC) reasoned philosophy of Taoismus.Die first reliable evidence on the use of acupuncture Moxibustion and go in the 2nd Century BC back.
The oldest medical work, the "Inner Classic of the Yellow Prince (Huangdi Neijing) embeds this therapy the first time in the entire Chinese medicine ein.In Europe, the piercing with needles for therapeutic purposes, known 1657th 1824 saw the first German publication on Akupunktur.Im focus of Chinese medicine is the idea of a life energy flowing in the body, whose Chinese name is Qi, and the effect of all manifestations of life beruhen.Auch diseases usually are the effect of a disturbance of the harmonious flowing of qi. A weakness, or an abundance or even a blockage of life energy causes pain or dysfunction in one or more organs.
needling of acupuncture points has to be recovered as target the disturbed flow of Qi, and create the perfect balance in the body. related acupuncture procedures and specific forms of AkupunkturDie acupuncture points can not only needles but also through various processes are stimulated.
the needle is a widely used method, but you know as the electrical stimulation that is most significant during the acupuncture anesthesia application, or the injection of local anesthetics with acupuncture, herbal medicines homeopathic or injected into acupuncture points werden.Außerdem known in China for over 2,500 years moxibustion, that is, the warming of the acupuncture point with smoldering Beifüß, a form of treatment is soothing and warming and stimulating the tissue metabolism and blood flow.
It uses the herb of Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort), which is burned off in the form of a cone or cigar smoldering in the form of state to the selected acupuncture points. The heat leads to an interaction which has a regulating effect on the internal organs and energy systems hat.Die oldest special form of acupuncture Ear acupuncture is based on reflex relationships based between the ear and certain areas of the body. Other forms are the Chinese scalp acupuncture, and the hand and Fußakupunktur.
acupuncture is particularly effective for headaches, migraines, back pain, as well as against rheumatic diseases and allergic syndromes, trigeminal neuralgia, shoulder-arm syndrome, psychosomatic diseases and m gynecology for menopausal symptoms, menstrual disorders and anderem.Auch in the treatment of drug addiction Acupuncture is important. side effects of acupuncture AkupunkturBei correctly used, the side effects. Rarely there may be a vegetative cycle reaction for the immediate Entfernung der Nadel verschwindet. Es ist wichtig, dass man eine bestehende Eventuell angibt Schwangerschaft, da einige punkts werden dann nicht genadelt Durfo.
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