Eating - pain, dizziness, exhaustion often find doctors for physical complaints in spite of careful investigation, no organic cause. Somatoform disorders are among the most common reasons for visits to general and specialist physicians. As a major study shows short-term therapy relieves these symptoms more reliably than the standard treatment according to the current guidelines: A twelve-hour psychotherapy improves both the symptoms and the quality of life - and it costs less. At the German Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy of 23 to 26 March 2011 in the food, experts Study results in detail before.
At the age of 15 and 29 years suffer, according to a recent analysis of the German Employees' Health Insurance (DAK) in ten Germans to a somatoform disorder, which threatens to become chronic. They are estimated to be responsible for up to 30 percent of all visits to primary care physicians. Until the correct treatment often takes years. "Mentally-related physical problems mean for patients similar to more suffering to organically caused disease," explains Professor Dr. Peter Henningsen, Director of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Klinikum rechts der Isar in Munich. The futile search for the brochure also triggers fears and feel they can no longer rely on his body. "The complaints restrict the people in everyday life a strong and carry the risk of depression because those affected are often withdrawn and socially," added Professor Henningsen. Also cause investigations and treatment attempts to considerable costs for the health system.
that a specially designed self-psychotherapy for severe somatoform disorders helps to show the operation carried out at six German hospitals PISO study. PISO stands for Psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy for somatoform Disorders. The 208 participants had suffered from an average of ten years on average of ten symptoms such as pain, dizziness, fatigue or irritable bowel. Half of the patients was in accordance with current guidelines for somatoform problems with detailed information and advice. The other underwent the so-called psycho-dynamic-interpersonal therapy: at Twelve weekly sessions clarified Psychotherapy patients about the backgrounds of psychosomatic illnesses, she trained in dealing with their symptoms or showed them relaxation techniques.
first had both methods. But while this development in the conventional treated group soon stopped,, symptoms and quality of life of other patients and nine months after the therapy. In the standard treatment, the percentage of participants with severe depression constant. In the PISO group it decreased from 44 to 26 percent. During the follow-up decreased the number of doctor visits. "Even patients with severe somatoform disorders and severe depression, we can deal well with psychosomatic therapy approaches," sums up Professor Henningsen in advance of the Congress. However, there was in this patient group, significant problems in patient care: "Until the correct treatment unnecessarily much time goes by a closer cooperation. of somatic and psychosocial medicine could alleviate the symptoms earlier, "said psychosomatic Henningsen, who is working with European colleagues proposals for better care. PISO Full results of the study, researchers present at the German Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy from 23 to March 26, 2011 in Essen
date information.
German Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, 23 to 26 March 2011, Congress Center Essen (West)
Congress press conference :
Thursday 24. March 2011, 12.45 to 13.45 clock, Conference Room N (Congress Center Süd, Essen) One of the topics: physical complaints without findings: imaginary disease or real suffering?
State of the Art: The fibromyalgia syndrome - a somatoform disorder?
Thursday 24 March 2011, from 11.00 to 12:30 clock, Congress Center South, Room Germany
Symposium: Chronic pain and trauma: background, context and treatment options
Thursday 24 March 2011, 18.00 to 19.30 clock, Congress Center West, Room New York
State of the Art: somatoform disorders
Friday 25 March 2011, from 11.00 to 12.30 clock, Congress Center South, Room Rheinland
Symposium: The PISO-study - a psychosomatic intervention for somatoform disorders: selected results
Friday 25 March 2011, 18.00 to 19.30 clock, Congress Center West, Room Milan
Symposium: Modern imaging techniques: mental processes to understand, see and integrate into the therapy
Friday 25 March 2011, 18.00 to 19.30 clock, Congress Center South, Room Germany
Press Contact for inquiries:
German Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy press office Anne-Katrin Doebler, Christine saver Postfach 30 11 20 70 451 Stuttgart,
Tel: 0711 8931-573 Fax: 0711 8931-167
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