Monday, August 30, 2010

Ps3 And Huawei Dongle


Fron the term has become so ignorant that you normally use the compound word drudgery, to clarify what you mean. Because the word work, more and more alienated from its meaning is (to be so misused), it is still more difficult context in which the word appears to understand. It does so not time to explain the concept of drudgery. Fron is something that belongs traditionally to feudalism. Today you will meet the drudgery out of feudal states and feudal states are not rare, but they are still there. Myanmar is such a feudal state. There you can watch the drudgery today. Many were subject to forced labor, where they are used, to build the roads in the new capital. Each family of the subject must make a forced labor, the construction of the port it yourself. That's about the essence of the drudgery. The leadership of a country wants something done, and therefore it requires its subjects to do that. Ingeniously simple, right? Not without problems.

Because many families in Myanmar still live on subsistence farming, they need every hand that can mitanfassen at work. But now no one can work simultaneously for the survival of their families and for construction projects of the state. Therefore, the families forced to seek out those people for the drudgery to which they can give the most. People Not only are the weakest in society, but also physically and medically vulnerable. That is why people die and over again because of and through the drudgery. Just the fact has prompted other states to find other solutions for the case that a state wanted to see carried out a project. The other solution was found and the most states use, was the taxation. The state collects taxes and pays companies or officials to ensure that the projects are implemented. The citizens were taxed instead of forced labor. Yes, in fact, the forced labor of the State of Myanmar citizens still do not taxable!

But the Myanmar government knows taxes. The State of Myanmar, also knows a great divide between rich and poor. Rich people can pay taxes in Myanmar and to free themselves from the drudgery. None of the members of the governance makes drudgery! Just the fact that some people have to do forced labor while others pay taxes and so can press from the drudgery, provides social unrest in Myanmar. Of course, young, strong people find with little cost, Fronsystem better than a tax system, because they would receive it, but this group is a minority and the obligation to remain Fron them even when they are older and weaker. So something like a general conscription is a remnant of a Fronsystems, even of a more sophisticated - because of the fitness levels - than is common in Myanmar. The protests, there were a few years ago in Myanmar and should be motivated by our press as politically portrayed were, incidentally, caused by the fact that a larger group of people in Myanmar should be allowed to pay taxes and their families so as to free from the drudgery while the members of poorer families would continue to die during the forced labor. Also in Myanmar, it is so that more people are treated worse, the poorer they are. The poorer the average of forced labor, the worse the treatment, the weaker they become and the more of them die during the forced labor. The enthusiastic people to protest. We, however, not only should abolish conscription, but instead a new compulsory service, so a new Fronsystem be introduced. At the same time, the control system maintained, increased taxes and new taxes are introduced constantly. We are looking for the worst of all systems unite the bags to a new system and our own people with it.


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