Monday, August 23, 2010

The Significan Of #12 At Alabama Football

you donate to Pakistan?

on a forum is known, is rightly, debated whether one ever to the accounts that appear constantly on television donate should. In fact, however, seems more than to suggest, at least if one thinks that we do and the compassion of the donation is already everything was done, for the not so. If one then looks even the price-performance list of activities for most such agencies Banking , you know where the money is for the most part really. This is a gigantic rip off. Or would you stay with a bank that you demanded such exorbitant fees? So your donation money is aimed at least in South Asia only to damage, if it ever arrives. Now wish will you have a safe alternative in case you were actually engangieren socially and thereby do no harm.

Nothing easier than that these Blok Supported by a donation!. The

  • either by bank transfer in € to our account is:

    owner: Hr. Vitki
    Bank: ING-Diba
    Account number: 5529289484
    BLZ: 50010517
    Purpose: Zheng-Ming

    from Germany or

    owner: Hr. Vitki
    Bank: ING-Diba
    IBAN: DE25 5001 0517 5529 2894 84 SWIFT BIC
    Purpose: Zheng-Ming

    from outside Germany,

  • or in gold on the Pecunix account Fuchur.

This allows donations as allocate and use.


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