Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Periodontology / periodontal treatment in Bochum / Herne: Which antibiotics are the right ones in periodontitis?

Antbiotika, but which one?
The otherwise highly effective antibiotics are in treating periodontal disease or periodontitis, mostly bad, because the bacteria invade the tissue, but rest on the root surface as a biofilm.
Even in the periodontal pocket, bacteria of the biofilm to the antibiotic dissolved in the blood is difficult to reach. Fortunately, dissolved in the blood Antibiotics, to the fluid released into the gingival pockets. The concentration of antibiotics in the crevicular fluid is significantly lower than in blood.
Because the biofilm is not flushed from the pocket fluid, the antibiotic therapy used at the right time. To achieve the most efficient effect, should, therefore, the antibiotics to destroy the biofilm, ie, directly after the cleaning of the gum pocket to be administered.

When choosing the right antibiotic, there are two difficulties:
  1. not all patients have the same Bacteria.
  2. not every antibiotic is equally as effective against all bacteria.
With current available data are to be preferred to those antibiotics for which a sufficiently effective drug concentrations described in the crevicular fluid. Furthermore, the antibiotics used for the bacteria found to be sufficiently effective.

effectiveness of antibiotics against the periodontal disease related bacteria:

The table shows the efficacy for various Antibiota / combinations for the major periodontal bacteria.
effective +, + + very effective
Aa: Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans; Tf: Taner forsythensis; Ec: Eikenella corrodens; Pg: Porphyromonas gingivalis, Pi: Prevotella intermedia; shows
This table, how important it is, before the antibiotic Making therapy a bacterial determination. Unfortunately, the bacteria test by many dentists will be omitted for reasons of cost, for public health insurance will not pay the test.

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All information in this article are made in good faith and belief been.
but not replace a visit to the dentist. The listed drug names are not protected trademarks and are also not constitute recommendations!

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