Sunday, September 12, 2010

Football Player In Jockstraps

energy transition IV

addition to the already extensively discussed the use of solar energy You can have a few other types of energy use to similar easy way. Thus, the entire European aluminum industry moved long ago to Iceland, because aluminum production is energy intensive and the company in Iceland are only turbines on the shooting from the floor hot steam need to use geothermal energy. The method is worthwhile only in places where there is the geothermal energy from the ground voluntarily.

remain for other locations are left only waves, water, wind and tides. Because the force of the waves and the tides turn, can use only at locations in the sea, remain major investors again Reserved. But small wind turbines and micro hydro power plants, we should even look at it. Hydroelectric power plants draw energy from water flowing downhill water. Modern hydroelectric power plants are already in a position a vertical drop of only one meter advantage. During your next break from the screen you see once you work it on the rain gutter on your roof, especially as the hanging high. This is definitely more than a meter! Yes, every time it rains energy falls from the sky and will drop you onto the roof! It would be a big problem to exploit, for example by a small turbine at the end of the gutter. It is simply not true that we have no renewable energy available during the sun does not shine! You just do not use them, but it omitted without replacement. But you should able to change easily!

For wind-like, but I will let you first time around mounted on your roof gutters, so we discuss the wind energy for another time


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