Instead of a donation call
Many web site operators spend a lot of time and effort into their web pages. Admittedly, there are more network site operators who do not. Still benefit from the latter mainly Net. Many network users want to see any advertising, especially on the web pages that they like. This is slightly schizophrenic, because of advertising, there is no better place. Those who give themselves no trouble with their web pages, does not disturb it. So a web page I just happened anyway often. But since network operators who have invested much time and effort into their web pages that you want to keep their readers happy. So we try to wish for as little advertising respected. Only has the hooks that do not invest time and effort can be used elsewhere in more profitable ways. Must it necessarily be associated with losses, if you will make a good web page? Anyway, I'm disagree. Why are Zhèng-Ming related to some donations already. Supposedly this is an alternative that is more easily accepted. Donations is just socially acceptable again. However true that my experience not to. It is merely more promoted for donations and this because it slows to a trickle. My calls for donations has been made in any event no further. Should I therefore show in the future but advertising? Maybe decorate the whole web page with it? Would it better? On the other hand, I can understand, too, that is rarely donated. Not only advertise a lot more or less serious (== money in the channels of bureaucracy disappear border) organizations for donations of money, but it is hardly what exists that could be donated. Finally, we live or at least most people with a severe deflation (that is, if you do not have enough money). That's my problem. If you do not donate one hand and on the other hand, the best alternative will not have advertising, it is certainly schizophrenic and threaten the livelihoods, especially for some facilities and their creators. So should I stock up on advertising. But I will first be another chance.
make donations after each call, the person addressed not only the question "Should I donate?" But also the questions "Why donate just for that?" and "If I have to donate what it would be best?". These are very important and serious issues. Most appeals do not answer them. Solicitations, one should never follow! Also you should never (!) Follow calls for donations to try to somehow put a (morally or emotionally) to be under pressure. I should be there better. If I could not cope, then I'm sorry. However, I hope that there are other reasons why I will not donated. Perhaps the activity of writing is really worth nothing. Then, however, it is very strange that some people can live like this quite well. Likewise, it is then strange that is paid for music files, image files, video files money. Finally, the spread through the network as easily as text. However, the money is never the main motive of a good author. A good writer wants to spread ideas, to start something going. Never were men landed on the moon (they are), Jules Verne had written not long before on such a trip! Only I, frankly, not so much patience. I do not want to wait that long to bring something my articles! I want to be that many more people than today have an income! I will not make poorer with my donations. I want there to the world of wealth and her about it benefits. But for that it needs nunmal a few inputs, otherwise nothing will work out.
Perhaps still write worthless. Perhaps there is no money to get some pre-finance. Perhaps there is no money to help the people to help themselves. Perhaps there is no money that could be donated for anything. Maybe you still want to do something and just do not know how. Maybe it'd be better to actually save lives, rather than support only write the authors. How can you actually provide help? Who will save lives, should build desalination plants. Builds desalination plants! Take part in such construction projects! Initiated Such construction projects! Organized such construction projects! Removing obstacles to such sea water desalination plants! (The way a clickable link for more explanation.) Is then reported on the construction of seawater desalination plants. Promote it! expected to experience reports on the successful construction of new desalination plants you like to write about the comments. They are ultimately meaningful, world-improving projects for which I stand. Seventy percent of global water consumption is spent on agriculture. With sea water desalination plants saves her people from starving, and very many people! Since then drinking water from other sources increased for other purposes, is also massively curbed their diseases! How could you not want to support? Often humanitarian aid only serves to keep the state maintains that other people remain dependent on aid. In contrast, however, a trick to help the old TV series "Kung Fu" with David Carradine. The monk was played by David Carradine as once asked what he was asking for his help and said "I want you to help ten other people." Saves her people, if you build desalination plants, or you also only involved in it. Required of the rescued men, when they build more desalination plants help so that more people will be saved. So hungry, thirst and disease will disappear from the world. Stock market speculation in food are unprofitable. There will be enough arable land to all petroleum products by vegetable products (fuels, fibers, colors and so on) to replace. What more could you want?
P (ost) S (Chasm): The type of desalination plant, which is explained on the linked web site has been tested before. The construction of a prototype and its testing would be a very welcome form of support. Give reviews about it here in the comment box from.
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