Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chemical Formula Of Carnauba Wax Density

dream and reality - these are two different things

BONN / FRANKFURT AM MAIN (ars). Dreams are probably much less influenced by the situation than often assumed. Among the findings of a British-German research group.

The scientists from the universities of Bonn and Frankfurt and Harvard Medical School who compared the dreams of people born deaf or paralyzed with those of individuals without disabilities. Self-trained analyst could hardly decide which group came from the respective visions ( Consciousness and Cognition, in press ).

Study participants lived a dream journal, such that within two weeks came together more than 350 detailed descriptions. Few dreams were about the disability: the Spinal Cord Injury went, ran or swam, the deaf could hear and speak. These skills reflect dreamed probably not resist the desire of disabled people to leave their game behind him: "In the dreams of the paralyzed participants played the theme 'movement' no special role, "said Bonner, the psychologist Dr. Ursula Voss." It appeared neither more nor less often than non-paralytic. For the deaf subjects, there was the same. "

The researchers asked a psychoanalyst, a behavioral therapist, a psychologist and (the subject), a physicist, sleep fantasies assigned to a group of persons. They succeeded regardless of their training, only a small fraction . shall order the testers only dream of a paralyzed man every third correct that group.

may be seen in dreams, not himself, but a kind of human Proto type without corners and edges. It also determines the results suggest an as yet unpublished experiment, the researchers painted the hands of healthy subjects a red spot and refreshed this mark for several weeks and over again. They also asked their subjects to mentally set before falling asleep with the splash of color on their hands apart. In the dreams are not yet stole the marker.


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