Friday, December 10, 2010

Making A Bandana And Mask

psychotherapy for chronic depression variant proved

Three out of ten patients with depression have a chronic course and are difficult to cure. A new variant of psychotherapy was significantly superior to other approaches in trials.

BERLIN (GVG). Chronic depression by definition take longer than two years. Unlike the more common episodic extending depression patients who have had chronic depression for their emotional depth out little or no. "Chronic depression are psychosocial bothersome. They often start early and incur high costs," said Eva-Lotta Brake Meier of the University of Freiburg in the psychiatric DGPPN Congress in Berlin.

typical of chronic depression in addition to the early onset is a frequent association with early childhood trauma. Not primarily sexual, but also the emotional abuse was relevant here, so Brake Meier. She reported on several studies, which had suffered 70 to 80 percent of patients with chronic depression, a psychological trauma in early childhood.

Classical approaches such as psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) or the depth psychotherapy RETURN FOR the often complex emotional situation for chronically depressed mixture unsatisfactory treatment results, Brake Meier. In the U.S., in patients with chronic depression because of increasingly to the so-called "Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy 'set CBASP shortly.

"CBASP is the first ever to psychotherapy that are specific to patients was developed with chronic depression, "said Brake Meier. By providing training and presentations, is the expert committed to making the approach well known in Germany. CBASP is ultimately a combination of cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal elements. The content is about the patient to facilitate learning of new relationships and to show them that their behavior while facing consequences triggers. They also learn to deal with anxiety-causing stimuli, without applying the usual avoidance tactics.

The effectiveness of CBASP approach was the first time in a year 2000 published study shows. This is where the combination of pharmacotherapy and CBASP an exceptionally high for these patients remission rate of 85 percent. In a pilot study in Freiburg, in the CBASP and IPT were compared directly, was the remission rate and CBASP therapy almost three times higher than in IPT. As a consequence, currently run several large, partially DFG-funded studies that examine the CBASP approach under German conditions with larger inpatient and ambulatory patients.


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