Monday, November 29, 2010

What Is Best Generator Cover To Use When Running

plea for obesity surgery as a treatment option

The "Expert Group Metabolic Surgery is committed to the surgical treatment of obesity.

FRANKFURT / MAIN (NER). Obese people are left in Germany alone. The defendant, a group of internists, surgeons and nutritionists. It speaks for itself increasingly from surgical treatment options. I

in the fight against overweight and obesity in Germany already taken hold resignation, says the Bad Nauheim diabetologist Professor Andreas Hamann. He is a member of the Expert Group Metabolic Surgery ", which explicitly for surgical treatments for obesity strong.

This is according to Professor Rudolf Weiner in Frankfurt am Main has therefore necessary to an "economic tsunami" to prevent the health care system, like the surgeon said at a training event in Frankfurt.

The expert group argued, can that be achieved with interventions such as the insertion of a gastric band, gastric bypass surgery or operations on the small intestine in patients with BMI 35-40 drastic reductions in weight, type 2 diabetes often need within a short time, no insulin more sink, elevated blood pressure, lipid disorders improve.

was important an interdisciplinary rehabilitation approach, stressing the diabetologist Dr. Jörg Simon from Fulda. These include nutritional advice, exercise programs, laboratory tests, possibly lifelong substitution of certain vitamins and minerals as well as psychological support.

The expert group aims to integrated care contracts with health insurance. Currently defined criteria, is indicated for which patients the metabolic surgery.

Weiner stressed that offer only centers in which different surgical techniques of metabolic surgery are mastered, an individually tailored treatment could. Of which give there in Germany at the moment very few.


Without treatment, no claim for gastric band op

COLOGNE (iss). Health patients who are overweight have a right to a surgical gastric banding reduction at the expense of public health insurance (SHI), if previously not integrated obesity treatment under medical supervision to have succeeded. This was decided by the Social Court of Dortmund (SG) in a non-final ruling.

A 49-year-old woman today was 2006, the reimbursement for obesity-Op requested. She had already lost several times in weight by dieting, but never with long-lasting effects. The woman suffered from increasing immobility, diabetes type 2 and highly painful degenerative joint disease.

While several doctors supported the concerns of the patient who saw the medical services of health insurance do not need a gastric band reduction. Reason: The woman had not been subjected to six-to twelve-month integrated nutrition, exercise and behavioral therapy.

The woman complained, but received before the SG. "A residential treatment in an acute hospital is appropriate only when the treatment goal is not to others Paths can be achieved, "the judges said.

The previous diet attempts have shown that the woman was able to reduce their weight." The problem lies rather in their eating and physical activity after weight reduction. "

consists According to the judge even after the surgery, "This suggests to try here is primarily a longer-term conversion of an integrated therapy."

Az. S 40 KR 31.07

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bench Haircut How Much?


the moment it is very hip with everything you're doing or not doing to report on a service for text messages in the network. This is done mainly because it is advertised extensively. Why is this well advertised so intense? Of course, because the service Twitter octopus is a data collection as it is little more , the data creates a foreign legal area, processed there and then with the sale of your prepared data money "earned". Only in this way, the service can afford heavy advertising in general. Now, no one has any objection to money is made or taken only. But who else is worried about dealing with their own data, which should know which services on the net, he (the masculine form is sufficient here, because people are interested in women anyway, what happens to their data) must keep away. Above all, it should remain exactly that continue to allow!

Wish Bead Clear Color Meaning

chirping of yet there is no advertising

So far there are no advertisements. There are calls for donations. On the right side of the page should be one to see. But there is no donor. Should you prefer advertising to be shown here? After all donations have

the great advantage that donations can be made. Which are often much more useful than money. Donations here in the form of PHP programs, translations, or illustrations (mainly Translators to help) and is simply sent over the network.

donations were so great benefits (including legal), is good but not when there is no donor. Many budget no games developers are volunteers. More serious and for simple projects are not. If education and training, the opportunity for social and technological progress really considered to be so redundant? Or advertising on web pages to be so much better?

set here in the future rather than be advertised calling for donations? This time is specifically requested opinions.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ph Of Urine In Bright's Disease

Fundamentals of Biology III

In recent again the ethical debate about preimplantation genetic diagnosis flared. They seem to have forgotten completely what conclusions they had already come so far and above all why. So now the alarm for the most essential point. Preimplantation diagnosis is only after artificial insemination available before the fertilized egg is inserted into the expectant mother. That is to say the name of the method. Artificial insemination is not always successful. Therefore, make several test batches of reproductive medicine. If the attempt is successful but then, are often the five clones of the desired child available to the expectant mother can be used. The clones be produced by the embryo is cut after the first cell divisions. To the stage of eight or sixteen cells, he survived without damage, and instead, two new embryos, the cell division are behind schedule. That harms none of the embryos, but there are definitely two human beings. Identical twins occur naturally, but in the same way! The clones increase the number of tests to the reproductive medicine has available. Even the artificial insemination was once controversial, because the reproductive medicine has to decide after a successful pregnancy, what with the remaining clones, who are also human embryos, occurred should. First of all, they are deep and with deep-frozen in liquid nitrogen. As long as they consist of only one or very few cells, they survive this

Some doctors would like to have the remaining embryos for research purposes. But because there are nunmal human embryos, including humans, and therefore was and is the unethical and is prohibited. For the same reason it has prohibited the embryos as waste disposed of. What to do with them is still a mystery. First it can be stored as nuclear waste, only more complex, perhaps at some point finally disposed of. For some clones would have a use, namely, by putting them on genetic Damage investigated. But research on human embryos should not take place yet? True, but there is a way around it. Namely the fact that the PGD would be allowed.

The embryo, which the mother is employed, can not be examined for genetic damage because the cell under investigation must be destroyed. But the embryo is still to be employed only in a cell, called the zygote. Put it thus, genetic studies on, they would have killed the human embryo is irrevocable even before a single finding may be obtained from the investigation. It can be deployed to the embryo So do not examine in this way. In preimplantation genetic diagnosis used a clone of the embryo, that is also a human embryo, a sibling of the child to be used. The killing and one concludes from the findings back to the genetic status of the embryo to be used. Because you must, then, to close on the genetic status of a person to kill another human being, therefore, the pre-implantation diagnosis considered unethical and prohibited. Now it is again questionable whether one man can kill with impunity! Perhaps it is even questionable whether one impunity for research purposes may kill people, and other reasons are already widely accepted.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Where To Buy Bimetallic Strip

periodontitis Bochum, Bochum informed www.zahnarzt dentist,

The dentist speaks of a healthy periodontal apparatus, when the pale pink gums tightly against the tooth. The bone of the teeth should are still present, and the root surfaces are covered by Zahnflleisch.

periodontitis or periodontal disease developed in 80% of the German population over the age of 40 Of age. The bone loss in the jaw area is then clinically and on X-rays visible.

periodontitis should not be!

by good oral hygiene, it is possible the teeth and the tooth-supporting apparatus to keep healthy. If we do not clean our teeth and interdental plaque properly adhere to the tooth surface remain. This is then decomposed by bacteria.
result is plaque, the bacterial plaque.
The plaque with the enzymes and toxins of the bacteria irritate the gums. It is then easily swollen and bleed when touched with a toothbrush. Some patients think because of the blood flow to an injury, and avoid this place when brushing your teeth. The worse the gum disease and infection of adjacent teeth is no longer excluded.
called this form of gingivitis, the dentist - Gingivitis -.
This bacterial Infection must be treated quickly.
Untreated gingivitis spreads quickly throughout the connective tissue and bone. It caused gum pockets form in which plaque and calculus. The jaw bone to the teeth is reduced.
A periodontal disease has emerged. Our immune system tries to defend itself against these bacteria, and it asks the body to the rejection of the tooth.
activated Our body cells break down bone. gradually loosens the tooth and falls off. As far as you should not let it please come!

More information about this topic is available in person at: Tel: 0234-533044, or at the following websites:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sleepytime Tea And Risperdal

What is Free Money?

As free cash money is referred to, which is so designed that it does not provide for an ever-widening gap between rich and poor. In other words, money used in a free economy no stagflation is possible. This is done because a negative free cash provides Urzins. In an economy that uses the free money, people can still poor or wealthy or even rich. But with a positive currency Urzins called Zwinggelder lead inevitably to the fact that wealthy and poor strata of society as a widening gap diverge ever further. In the upper strata of society accumulates more and more Zwinggeld , so that the members of these layers of a strong inflation exposed. At the same time Zwinggeld lacking in the lower strata of society, so that the members of these layers are a no less strong deflation exposed. Sun forces (hence the name) the Zwinggeld fundamentally different behaviors of the two walks, while the economic indicators show signs of both practices, so that economists know the state, only to be called stagflation, but did not explain properly.

A British economic historian named Niall Ferguson writes: "Who wants to escape poverty, must extensively and thoroughly study the functioning of the financial system. This applies to individuals as well as to states and governments. "Although the phrase comes from an economist, he sounds very wise. To understand the functioning of the financial system really, we must first understand the functioning of the money. The best you ask to not only one speculating about economists, but a practitioner can learn from the experience, we very much. So it is good that a skilled practitioner for over a hundred years already extensive and easy to understand books on the nature the money has written and published. If the practitioner is the export trades Silvio Gesell. must avoid

To study the impact of the positive eliminate the Urzinses or better yet replaced with a negative Urzins. Silvio Gesell told us already, how to achieve that. How to care for a negative Urzins? This is easily possible, by ensuring that the currency is not as valuable, but rather even less valuable than their face value is considered, so that they will be exchanged for goods quickly. Someone needs to buy anything there from loans. This can be compensated, of course, still so that one can earn by lending the money issue. But unlike the Zwinggeld get the free money, the debt does not total more than the total amount of credit (debt == balance), what the Zwinggeld necessarily the case (debt repayment == + interest, credit ; == repayment) is. Zwinggelder be regarded as being more valuable than their face value, because that always remains the same, while the goods that you could buy it, have a limited shelf life. To create a Gütervorat for future needs would therefore mean that one economically unfavorable situation, although the nominal value of the Store room would be exactly the same for the money spent. The comparison between the Geldvorat and Gütervorat shows that the Geldvorat is effectively worth more, even though the nominal value in both cases is the same. Therefore, Silvio Gesell suggested that the value should decrease with each currency unit of time, so the same moves that the currency with the purchasable with their goods. The result would be an open money. A free money would be there of course, if one could achieve the same effect by a different construction. However, that would prove to be yet, while the construction after Silvio Gesell their could demonstrate skills to a couple of occasions already. The most famous cases in the short term used Schwanenkirchen in Deggendorf Wara and working papers to the town of Wörgl in Austria, both of which were issued shortly before the Second World War and had the nearly averted.

Silvio Gesell made other proposals, some of which were actually implemented by our governments. Despite such achievements (which we can discuss another time), there are economists who criticize the ideas of Silvio Gesell practice, especially in the continuous depreciation of the free money. You say that you could achieve the same effect by inflation, which in addition also to achieve it even easier, because you trust in today's currency would not need to destroy. For some business entities course just an inflation would destroy the confidence in the currency. Nevertheless, Silvio Gesell critical economists would probably agree. This of course only under certain conditions. This would have the critical economists only prove that they can keep the inflation rate for any length of time periods, at the exact same level stable. The dangers of hyper-inflation or deflation is completely eliminated. Moreover, the exact same rate of inflation would naturally distinction to all walks of life apply. Deflation is when you have no money. The critical economist would have to prevent any redistribution from the bottom up permanently and effectively. If all these additional conditions not contained in his idea of inflation, then the continuing value of the currency by reducing fees on selbige the only workable solution.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How It Works Dome Camera

energy systems VI

Sometimes, especially from the professional liar, pretending as if the energy transition is not a consequence of the oil production peak, but necessary for ecological reasons. If this were the case, however, it would be the many, inexpensive, yet no attention measures Take place only those with which one can still only make cash. Would it be necessary or possible to turn a man-made, global warming, then we would never of carbon dioxide (the amount in the atmosphere anyway almost not at all be influenced by humans), but instead mainly by carbon tetrafluoride, sulfur hexafluoride, Trichlormethylschwefelpentafluorid (all zigtausendmal as climate effect such as carbon dioxide), but also talk about water vapor (two hundred times as climate-effective as carbon dioxide, but probably not influenced by man), nitrous oxide (at least twenty times as effective as air carbon dioxide) and methane. The climatic impact of methane graded one, strangely enough, year after year down further, from an original of the sixty times the carbon dioxide effect on the fifty times, the dreiundzwanzigfache (incidentally, an interesting note), ten times, and now sometimes even to the seven times, six times or even five times the carbon dioxide effect. This can only be because that could harm the climate of the methane gas by combustion of it very quickly to eliminate carbon dioxide as good as, if one of the sixty-fold effect of methane compared to carbon dioxide proceeds. But the rationale for the transformation of energy we can actually not care because we know that we have already taken place because of the excess of global oil production peak must participate in this transformation. We have not even save energy, but we could and quite easily.

For example, we will be happy to air passengers in the pillory, because many allegedly dismissed aircraft emissions in the ozone layer. In fact, forcing you to fly airplanes by the bureaucrats in corridors that follow the rolling courses. Were flying it as straight as they could do and was in some air spaces already tried experimentally without any difficulties, they would consume only a fraction of today's fuel consumption and correspondingly lower emissions blowing into the atmosphere. But how could that lead to to airlines and passengers firmly to the checkout asks? On the contrary, the airlines would thus save even more fuel costs. So go the environmentalists do that. Similarly absurd is to develop the Gotham String Israeli scientists, the piezo-electric roads. They should draw electrical energy from the energy of the moving cars on them. Cars can of course do not produce energy, but they get the fuel with which it has fueled it. If one of the moving cars from an additional type of energy than usual, then you have the extra energy in accordance with a previously higher Amount of fuel into fill in the cars. The piezo-electric roads lead is nothing more than a higher fuel consumption in road transport and thus a corresponding increase in exhaust emissions. If one were to actually do something about the exhaust emissions from road transport, then piezo-electric roads would be extremely counterproductive, holding a sign that civil coup. If this is the Israeli scientists, led by Jewish scholars, Jews will either have not yet fifteen percent intelligence advantage (as claimed by Sarrazin) or is activated only in conjunction with the German language. The latter theory may sound far-fetched, But it would explain informally why the German language (native language of most Jews, including scientists such as Albert Einstein and all the Jewish victims of the Third Reich) is fought by people who only want bad things to the world. With Piëzoëlektrizität but you can also do useful things. There are people who celebrate the outdoors and for that, because even as ecological, electrical power about bicycle dynamo to generate the music. It must always find people who enter into the pedals and keep the not for long. That there was a piezo-electric dance floor the more sensible alternative. If you no gradient available has to rain to turn into water power, then you can convert the energy of falling out of the rain through the piezo-electric method in electric power instead of giving them just lost.

Potential energy of gravity (potential energy) is stored not only in the rain, but also in the flying aircraft. A plane crashes down, then the ends disastrously for the aircraft and passengers. What is the plane and all aboard doomed, nothing is wrong other than energy used! The crash of it is converted into deformation energy at the successful landing gradually into frictional heat. Both are, strictly speaking, a waste. No one wants to crash, but must land is it? Yes, that must be and the energy wasted in the process, the aircraft would be taking off for the next plane to good use, but instead it has to consume more fuel. One must only consider how to transfer the energy from the aircraft landed directly on the blasting. A mechanical transmission through a sort of Ferris wheel or Riesenkarussel or a giant seesaw should fail at the required dimensions for the construction, electrical and magnetic transfer forms are eliminated because of the danger to passengers and the electronics. For once, we know it today actually has not, we could build to solve the problem. But would you ever want to solve the problems of the modern aviation instead of getting much more to cash, then you could well build appropriate structures and they were already present at each airport. A transfer of the kinetic energy of a landing operation of moving parts in rotational energy would have to make today. But this leads nunmal not directly related to cash in from ecologically-hypocritical reasons.

There are of course ways to work today to save energy. Way you can do now heat storage in the open air where the wind sweeps over it. In other countries this is done already at least specifically as described on the linked web page . Only in German-speaking, of course. Why not? Now, how should result in direct cash in the polls and the mob human milk cows? Another way to massive savings would be the renunciation of the memory loss and the loss of transmission of electrical energy. Hang on, it should be abandoned simply can? But yes. How is this possible? By switching to compressed air. You can already start with the wind turbines and wind without transform into electric power conversion losses instead of in air ( describes how the web page linked here about the middle ), then used the air lines also store energy. Already, there are tools that work with compressed air and are preferred by some as auto mechanics, but the air pressure must now be first produced by engines. By switching to compressed air lines that exist within some buildings already, because you need air in many areas, would be the use of air-operated machines much cheaper and almost without energy losses are possible. There is little that one could not switch from electricity to compressed air and most of what can not move, you do not actually. Already a ninety percent conversion, however, would mean a significant energy savings. Of course, you could cash in only for the installation of air lines again, and then people would go there again difficult. So it is not on air. It could even run cars with compressed air, as the French engineer Guy Negre for many years proves. Why drive his cars around for many years, not everywhere? Why do you try instead nonsense, like electric cars and hydrogen engines? Things are very clear. Abassi for air, who would make up with it? But electric cars and hydrogen powered vehicles are therefore automatically nonsense? They are not so, but they are for a reason other nonsense. As always, the nature of human technology to millions of years ahead. It produces even electrical power from sunlight. This occurs in the chloroplasts of all plants. Because the've been doing this for millions of years so they know best how to save electricity. They do not save, because there is no viable method for it. It is always better to convert them into other forms of energy, if you want to save energy. In the chloroplast is divided for the purpose of water into oxygen and hydrogen. Nature has developed many millions of years before man of the hydrogen technology! So it is worth the hydrogen technology? No present-day organisms store pure hydrogen, and there is a reason. It is far too dangerous! The first mass extinction on Earth was not on oxygen due as is sometimes claimed (which was the second mass extinction) and certainly not to influences from space, but entirely on the hydrogen production. Even today, some cyanobacteria share free hydrogen. They are even used by the human followers of hydrogen technology for hydrogen production. It is these cyanobacteria which release hydrogen without any physiological sense, the proof that Nature is experimenting with hydrogen technology has. But all living things, which had set out, are extinct. Even the people who bet on extinction, to be sure, the explosion despite the protestations of supposed experts . Ensure This one needs to look only from today's plants, such as hydrogen is used correctly and not dangerous, unless one of a hydrogen technology is going to give. The plants bind the hydrogen chemical fertilizer plant in the most important of all substances, namely carbon dioxide they remove from the atmosphere. This results in the hydrocarbons. Carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons are portrayed as evil, like today, but without it all men were long dead! Who wants to get away from hydrocarbon combustion can, only to air out. But as for cash in air? And why is the Schüttelbatterie (can be any time by shaking again Electricity Charge) - at least in German-speaking - just a theoretical concept?

Friday, November 12, 2010

I Was Molested By My Bf

Bochum information: dental anxiety and dental pain,

dental anxiety and dental pain

Many people today still afraid, if a dentist is present, or even inevitable, is because a toothache became unbearable and with standard painkillers can not fight enough. Their greatest fear is often at times that the treatment was not related to severe pain.
Still, that must no longer be - by optimally suited to the patient, gentle anesthesia options can be so many sweating and avoid so many butterflies in the stomach. Today, almost every dental treatment without pain.

It is estimated that about 10 percent of people with strong fears sit in the waiting room of their dentist and are suffering from dental anxiety. For so-called fear of patients, it is very important to know that their fear is not unusual and many others also affected.

How can your dentist reduce these fears?

Please seek advice from their dentist in detail the possibilities of pain-free Treatment options and what kind of treatment best for you individually. Your dentist should be serious about your fears and anxieties. He should listen to you and inform you optimally.

When all is present, a greater engagement, or the fear of the patient is large, can also be given to a treatment under general anesthesia . Treatment under general anesthesia are also of course in our practice. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of need it.

Zahnarzt Praxis Dr. med. Günter deniers and deniers dentist Andreas

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can You Reinfect Yourself With Stomach Flu

Principles of Biology II

The Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for the year two thousand and the discovery of the enzyme telomerase. On this occasion (yes, just like that for a while, but recently contracted for the year Zweitausendundzehn is anyway not worth mentioning) is here once the dementia is corrected, the number of consumers of the mainstream media of which to learn about telomeres and telomerase . believe

telomeres are indeed the ends of chromosomes. The enzyme telomerase is able to extend and comes in tumor cells in particularly large quantities. That is all what is wrong with the presentation of the main stream media. The mainstream media have described the enzyme as a fountain of enzyme. By then it is nonsensical. Actually provide some biotechnologists telomerase was already making a large scale in order to sell gullible. But what if you had more of telomerase?

telomeres consist of repeats of the same old sequence that is species specific. In the kind of person that is the sequence TTAGGG. The sequence is a nucleotide, not an amino acid sequence as can unfortunately foolishly now and then must read. In cells in cell cultures has been observed, that the telomeres were shorter after each cell division. That must be so because the replication of the chromosomes are not exactly start with the first nucleotide pairs and not exactly end with the last nucleotide pairs can. That would be an enzyme that obeys only the laws of nature and simply can not make decisions, too much to ask. Bacteria solved the problem by its single chromosome have joined together to form a ring molecule that is replicated through again and again and again. Multicellular organisms need to share too many genes to copy the model. Therefore, multicellular organisms solve the problem by treating all the chromosomes with telomeres from repetitive sequences, the no genes contain , covered on all sides. Thus it will not interfere when lost a few nucleotide pairs, or even a few repeats of the telomeric sequence. In cell culture that takes place until the cells do not divide further, because they lack the telomeric sequence as the initial signal. That the cells in cell culture at some point the ability to divide is lost, one has already been observed long before the telomeres and telomerase and before they knew the chromosomes. This could be seen easily because the ability to divide entered ten times after changing the culture medium and the match around with a division of cultured cells should, at least in mammalian cells. This was called the Hayflick limit, after the former record holder in the duration of mammalian cell culture. In other experimenters the ability to divide was still lost in the past. So it was obvious that the cell culture technique was not perfect (nor is it today), and attempts were made to improve the cell culture technique. The next record was fifty cell divisions or Nährmediumswechsel a cell culture was lost before their ability to divide. do this is regarded today as the Hayflick limit, although some experimenters can achieve already sixty cell divisions. The history of the Hayflick cup record proves already that cell proliferation in vivo, ie in a living organism, must proceed differently in vitro, ie in cell culture, and that has little or nothing to do with the telomerase and telomeres. Nevertheless, both are happy for each other in one context and as a cause seen, of course, mainly of biological laity, which includes, unfortunately, many doctors, which of course should not be so.

In vivo are only a few cells in the embarrassment of having to divide again and again. These are the stem cells. Other cells do during the work to which they themselves are specialized. Because it would be fatal for a living, if they share a stem cell could no longer (the division of human cells to fifty to sixty division operations would be limited, then would everyone not later than six months after his birth, already dead), so was obliged nature to think of something to the telomeres and over again to regenerate. That is why evolution has produced the telomerase, which always attaches repetitions of the sequence TTAGGG (human, other sequences in other animals) to the ends of chromosomes. People have individual differences in many repetitions of the sequence in their telomeres. People from long-lived families actually have more of it and tumors that survive their means, made it earmarked for stem cells activate telomerase genes (as it were illegal). A stem cell can divide, but at each telomere length even further, because the human telomerase with short telomeres always appends the nucleotide sequence TTAGGG to the telomere. But why then are calculated, the longer telomeres an indication of longevity? The answer to the question is, after all, been known well over ten years, but is ignored and mainly by those who report to you on the telomerase.

addition to the telomeres contain human chromosomes (and chromosomes of other animals), other places where there are no genes. These include the centromeres and chromosome to chromosome individually distributed, long, repetitive sequences. The latter decide the way, very much with it looks like a genetic fingerprint. In aged cells, plasmids are also observed. Because plasmids but only in passing on the bacteria used genetic information that they had been taken as evidence of pathogens. That is why they wanted to identify those. It turned out that the cells were not infected with pathogens, but passed the plasmids from repetitive sequences. The plasmids were dropped out during previous cell divisions of the chromosomes and were then combined to form ring-shaped molecules perhaps they had tangled with in the first ring-shaped molecules and were cut out of it. An aged animal cell is thus characterized by the fact that, in addition to oxidation caused by metabolic products, animal containing plasmids. It contains all the more animal plasmids, the older it is. Both the animal and the Centromere plasmids and the telomeres as well as other repetitive sequences can not be interpreted by the synthesizing enzymes as genes, because that would be fatal for the cell metabolism. But an enzyme can not make the decision, it can only obey the laws of nature. That is why nature has solved the problem in another way. She has developed for repetitive Desoxyribonukleïnsäuresequenzen a protein that sits on top those no longer disappears from there and see how others enzymes on the sequence hindrance. The protein is called S ilent I nformation R egulator or shortly SIR (which do incidentally, nothing with the protein SIRT or SIRT Proteïnklasse or SIR-Proteïnklasse which it belongs, is somewhere in the signal transduction one that begins the reading of genes). The silent information regulator protein must therefore sit at all repetitive Desoxyribonukleïnsäuresequenzen. But a cell may only a limited amount of it produced. The older a cell, to the more animal protein, the plasmids must be distributed. For old cells that is a problem. They can not produce enough Silent Information Regulator for all repetitive Desoxyribonukleïnsäuresequenzen, then the cells attempt to resolve the problem by switching off telomerase and telomeres no longer complement the other repeats of the nucleotide sequence. Consequently, telomeres shorten so that a cell after them (by number of previous cell divisions) has grown old.

What would happen now if in fact the production of telomerase could fire up again in old cells or to introduce additional telomerase into the cells? First, the telomeres would actually be extended again. Therefore, the cell would not be enough Silent Information Regulator for all repetitive Desoxyribonukleïnsäuresequenzen. So not all be occupied with it. The new telomere should be to come as the latest, so it is most likely the ones now be readable by other enzymes. The sequence TTAGGG and any combination of the repetitions (TAGGGT, AGGGTT, GGGTTA, GGTTAG, GTTAGG) it will ribonucleic acid and finally converted into amino acid sequences the garbage floating around as in the cells and results are unpredictable. Thus, the cell is not getting any younger, the whole organism is not at all already, but the cell works only worse. Evidence of how such a manipulated cell is generally behave, provide us with so far only the existing cells with an unnaturally high level of telomerase. They are tumor cells. They are even exclusively tumor cells. Let her provide you so sometime in the future with additional telomerase, then are ye only sooner or later provide additional tumors. Anyone who sees this as a fountain of youth, which I can help (or anyone else) any more.

Strict Bmi Calculator

dentist informed Bochum: How is actually tooth decay?

arises How does tooth decay?

holds in the population is still a persistent rumor, that caries disease simply inherited and was thus inevitable. This is not so!

caries is caused by bacteria!

is hereditary but only get a certain readiness (planning) to decay. This willingness can be countered very well by a special diet and healthy and should be a thorough, and provide you with regular dental and oral care.
Our oral cavity is sterile at the time of our birth. Is then formed from the so-called oral flora, means that nest in the course of time the good bacteria in our mouth a few harmful "companions" with us.
will sooner or later, then there also the cavity-causing bacterium Streptococcus mutans .

bacteria alone do not lead to the dreaded dental caries. You still need a medium to spread can be. This medium is, dental plaque. A mixture of cells, food residue and secretions, which we know under the famous name plaque. It is likely that carbohydrate-rich food and / or sugary drinks to store, then a part of this covering correctly as possible.
If the sugar produced is recovered in the mouth acids the major minerals in tooth enamel. In the long term, the whole then causes the CARIES .

Our saliva carries the way of a natural protective function. It can neutralize the acids mentioned the most part. The saliva reached but not all areas in the mouth. The problem may be, for example in the depressions of the molars (fissures). But the gum line and the often too narrow spaces between teeth can be mentioned here. So please give these special places are increased attention in your daily dental care!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Significance Of #12 At Alabama Football

dangers of genetic engineering IV

In China, there are scientists who say that endanger two in China approved genetically modified rice varieties to human health . The remarkable thing is that Chinese scientists may say publicly. Finally, this could be construed as critical of the government, which has allowed the two rice varieties. Such a thing is actually in China at all not at all, especially not if the critics can not prove that their statements are absolutely correct. It follows that the statements of the company, changed the plant genetic, must necessarily be wrong.

Culinare Hand Food Processor

activity last October

The last October, I had reserved for a single contribution to enable the striking on a date dropped and, additionally, the only post of the month are particularly striking. So here are slightly less busy than could have been. So here is a reference to some more reading material .

Friday, November 5, 2010

Boston Whaler Restoration Parts

New warnings of Paypal!

There are web sites that offer the ability to pay or donate via Paypal. So you can not often enough to warn against such, mainly because the reasons for it more and more. Just read the comments under the link , the link , the link and the link . The latter , although comments on a video in the Skip Intro format (Skip Intro is the nickname that has Adobe Flash even in the house), but still I advise also on the Skip Intro format. Such a thing only eats up resources unnecessarily, a brake on the spread of free software and is also a huge security hole (you can get by uncontrolled executable programs on your own computer). The link here Although there is a video Skip Intro format, but also a description of this and is a must read! If you've read about that, still with the linked content give the last drop. Only then may be thought of as detail on the pros and look at the information counter and before that one should not make a decision!

If you've finally decided against unscrupulous methods and still want to bring about a good and useful donation to donate but just
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sanderson Fabric 5605

Kali-yuga (कलियुग) IV

One would assume that developments such as the Adminpedia to increase the general education claimed. The nickname Adminpedia has finally also because they are neutral and does not want to participate in political campaigns. Inappropriate posts should be removed by the administrators, and so the neutrality are respected. Sorry, just does not work and the Adminpedia involved even in hate campaigns. That is why some scientists already apply Google Knol as a better alternative. But whether that is true, has not yet been found. It would be best if the Internet user would be media literate, which should be a prerequisite for using the Internet. Unfortunately, this is the Kali-yuga (कलियुग) is completely illusory. What should Internet users Make the necessary background knowledge on it is missing a subject? Let's see how a claim can check out the Adminpedia. The Adminpedia

claims that a renowned scientist in the field of virology and immunology, named Peter Duesberg, the disease known as AIDS (or German: acquired immune deficiency) would deny. She also said that South Africa would have died in three hundred and forty thousand people on the basis of such AIDS-deniers. This should also have been still avoidable. This, of course, other victims would come in other countries. Is this a neutral, scientific or policy statement at a level as it does not go deeper? To find out, we must first listen to the other side. Who has heard media literacy, always first to the other side, even if their position is not politically correct.

Audeatur et altera pars. Peter Duesberg was a scientist in search of treatments for AIDS. He referred to his research on the other hand, often administered drug from the chemical stores. Of course, were delivered to the security precautions, as is required by law. Peter Duesberg noticed here that the same substance if it is referred as the drug from the pharmaceutical trade, not added to the safety be. It appeared to the scientists as irresponsible and made him suspicious. So he published his own safety and had thus made enemies. The safety of the drug revealed fact that he just triggers the symptoms that are diagnosed when the disease is AIDS. That seemed to be even more remarkable, especially because doctors make a virus, which one (v H umane I mmunodefiziënz irus) than does HIV, responsible for the acquired immune deficiency. As a scientist, you know, of course, although it may be a correlation without causality, but no causation without correlation. Therefore, compared Duesberg, the correlation between HIV infection and AIDS cases. He published the result. The two factors correlated with each other in any way. The scientific approach of a critic would have to review the study or to repeat or even to carry out similar studies. But it does no one do you prefer Duesberg and similar serious working scientists a hard time, because it is much easier for critics. Duesberg itself does not complain publicly about it because of all serious working immunologists and virologists, he is still regarded as an authority in the field. Instead, he explains rather works like a virus detection. In a blood test, as is usually carried out, the blood is tested for antibodies. This is done in the investigation of other diseases not otherwise. Whenever the test is positive, then the person examined is considered to be immune. Only when he is suddenly HIV disease than from AIDS rather than immune to HIV as it to scientific and medical standards would actually be. There are also people who deny the existence of HIV. At least one of which a doped with thousand dollar price has stayed on the detection of HIV. This is not least the fact that the HIV antibody tests to react to some sixty other antibodies as well. Peter Duesberg has asked for the price to because he himself is one of the many scientists who have demonstrated the HIV already. Edited the award was not, however, apparently not enough photos as proof of. Perhaps we should send in virus particles?

The normal readers, even if he is interested in medical issues is still not know which side is right. Just because an opinion is established, it must not be wrong. Finally, there are many scientists or people who think they are scientists who believe that one can only fight AIDS in a certain way and should. But, conversely, must be allowed to apply the same. What it should only some of so-called AIDS denialists use, if people would die because of his statements? Media literacy is characterized in that the question of who any good (like a cui bono? Formulated ) never neglected! The political suppression of their statements, however well benefit both sides of a Pharmaïndustrie and the other, the latex industry. Both earn billions of dollars by the fear of AIDS and the fear of HIV (which is also broadcast mainly on needles). Nevertheless, it still may be a coincidence, because not heard of relating to the popular conspiracy theories. But how can the medical Layman to be now sure which side is right and which side wants to piss him?

We now know the statements of both sides and compare them with just another, both sides disputed statements on the subject. GP once had noted that many countries in Africa, the equipment to carry out investigations on HIV can not afford. Therefore, they agreed on a standard by which the AIDS diagnosis should be facilitated. This they did in the central African city of Bangui, Bangui, the so called standard definition. After the standard is diagnosed everyone who loses weight even when suffering from AIDS. That makes you, well noticed in countries where people starve to death! Therefore, there pretty much anyone who is at all familiar to the doctor, classified as suffering from AIDS. Suddenly you had conquered hunger in Africa by once again found the hunger deaths take place in the statistics of hunger deaths in the statistics of AIDS deaths. Still, the discovery of new Chinese scientists. Chinese AIDS researchers have discovered a new virus - at least, science writers claim that it was a virus - AIDS and the trigger would not be detected by tests for HIV. This would enable many HIV-negative AIDS cases are explained. What is special about this message that the Existence of HIV-negative AIDS cases is simply assumed to be known. Among scientists, it is nothing less than a given. Even better known are the many cases of HIV-positive people who in the opinion of politically correct medicine will never get AIDS and are immune as for genetic reasons. With such subjects (which began with Cuban prostitutes, then was the sense of shame still too pronounced to publish their names) work many AIDS researchers in search of a cure or even better (because more lucrative, if dangerous) a vaccine are. Had they watched in their basic courses, then they knew that Antibodies mediate immunity. HIV infections and AIDS cases that is actually not correlated with each other. So there can be no causality between the two diseases. Nevertheless, both are real, existing diseases. However, the symptoms persist in HIV exclusively of social exclusion, in many countries may not even enter infected. In Germany you can end up in prison for the infection, but only if one is simultaneously male sex.

If the facts are so simple and obviously would not then, other scientists in rows come to the same results? Yes, of course, and that happens too! Even Luc Montagnier, in turn, discoverer of HIV, has been thinking and now claims saying that the immune system of healthy people very light and fluffy finished with HIV . The do not admit even some of his most loyal followers. They prefer to declare their previous Idol crazy. The facts are so simple and obvious fact. The side of Peter Duesberg is right. The oppressors of his studies and findings hinder AIDS research and the serious HIV research. Not the claims of so-called AIDS denialists, where it is in fact nothing more than serious science endangered human lives, but the position, expressed by the Adminpedia, does! and believe me not, but takes it to yourself!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Watermarks For Christmas

New study on effects of computer games is no increased aggression set

reviewed the University of Cologne, the influence of the gaming experience aggression - no increased potential for aggression by playing computer games

Cologne, October 2010 - A new study by the Department of Psychology, the psychologist Dr. Julia Kneer the University of Cologne, no increased aggression seen by playing computer games . The researchers tested the reaction time of players and non players on aggressive and non-aggressive words.

The study concludes that inexperienced players are influenced by terms such as 'FPS' or 'first-person shooter'. They associate more aggressive approaches to this play. In addition, the study shows that Long-time player before and after playing a shooter does not respond quickly to aggressive words.

took part in the trial on 48 students who were selected for their gaming experience. The subjects had different adjectives to describe and evaluate. Thereafter, a shooter played again and the experiment. Among the participants there were 32 inexperienced players, and 16 experienced players who play in the week more than three hours.

"people without game experience with concepts associate aggressive 'first-person shooters,'" said Dr. Julia Kneer from the University of Cologne. "The game experience will decide on the knowledge structure. The game itself has no . Influence, only the priming 'FPS' acts "

addition, the research team examined as part of a thesis of how the priming FPS effect" among young adults, the idea of the researchers. Aggressions are suppressed nine. subjects and a control group of non-players and many players without priming were tested.

The Department of Psychology, Social Psychology and Media Psychology at the University of Cologne deals with non-verbal communication and personal perception, socio-emotional factors in the use of media (television, multimedia , virtual reality) and computer-mediated communication. The study was a period of several days through out.

More information about the study are available

The study was supported by Turtle Entertainment.

all links at a glance:
- This press release as PDF:

- More information about the study: www.psycontent. com/content/h0n455u918v68960 / p = pi = 1 & 0bc266948b4e4beda5bfdf81fe91cc4f
- Electronic Sports League?
- Turtle Entertainment:
- Turtle Entertainment (Press section):