There are web sites that offer the ability to pay or donate via Paypal. So you can not often enough to warn against such, mainly because the reasons for it more and more. Just read the comments under the link , the link , the link and the link . The latter , although comments on a video in the Skip Intro format (Skip Intro is the nickname that has Adobe Flash even in the house), but still I advise also on the Skip Intro format. Such a thing only eats up resources unnecessarily, a brake on the spread of free software and is also a huge security hole (you can get by uncontrolled executable programs on your own computer). The link here Although there is a video Skip Intro format, but also a description of this and is a must read! If you've read about that, still with the linked content give the last drop. Only then may be thought of as detail on the pros and look at the information counter and before that one should not make a decision!
If you've finally decided against unscrupulous methods and still want to bring about a good and useful donation to donate but just
- either by bank transfer in € to the following account:
owner: Hr. Vitki
Bank: ING-Diba
Account number: 5529289484
BLZ: 50010517
Purpose: Zheng-Ming
from Germany or
owner: Hr. Vitki
Bank: ING-Diba
IBAN: DE25 5001 0517 5529 2894 84 SWIFT BIC
Purpose: Zheng-Ming
from outside From Germany, - or in gold on the Pecunix account Fuchur.
you can select it from more than one purpose:
Purpose: Zheng-Ming
for this Blok and Zheng-Ming movement;
use: Barraskar
for the project, the multilingual Romany language teaching;
purpose: China Forum
for the project with the understanding translator forum.
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