Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sanderson Fabric 5605

Kali-yuga (कलियुग) IV

One would assume that developments such as the Adminpedia to increase the general education claimed. The nickname Adminpedia has finally also because they are neutral and does not want to participate in political campaigns. Inappropriate posts should be removed by the administrators, and so the neutrality are respected. Sorry, just does not work and the Adminpedia involved even in hate campaigns. That is why some scientists already apply Google Knol as a better alternative. But whether that is true, has not yet been found. It would be best if the Internet user would be media literate, which should be a prerequisite for using the Internet. Unfortunately, this is the Kali-yuga (कलियुग) is completely illusory. What should Internet users Make the necessary background knowledge on it is missing a subject? Let's see how a claim can check out the Adminpedia. The Adminpedia

claims that a renowned scientist in the field of virology and immunology, named Peter Duesberg, the disease known as AIDS (or German: acquired immune deficiency) would deny. She also said that South Africa would have died in three hundred and forty thousand people on the basis of such AIDS-deniers. This should also have been still avoidable. This, of course, other victims would come in other countries. Is this a neutral, scientific or policy statement at a level as it does not go deeper? To find out, we must first listen to the other side. Who has heard media literacy, always first to the other side, even if their position is not politically correct.

Audeatur et altera pars. Peter Duesberg was a scientist in search of treatments for AIDS. He referred to his research on the other hand, often administered drug from the chemical stores. Of course, were delivered to the security precautions, as is required by law. Peter Duesberg noticed here that the same substance if it is referred as the drug from the pharmaceutical trade, not added to the safety be. It appeared to the scientists as irresponsible and made him suspicious. So he published his own safety and had thus made enemies. The safety of the drug revealed fact that he just triggers the symptoms that are diagnosed when the disease is AIDS. That seemed to be even more remarkable, especially because doctors make a virus, which one (v H umane I mmunodefiziënz irus) than does HIV, responsible for the acquired immune deficiency. As a scientist, you know, of course, although it may be a correlation without causality, but no causation without correlation. Therefore, compared Duesberg, the correlation between HIV infection and AIDS cases. He published the result. The two factors correlated with each other in any way. The scientific approach of a critic would have to review the study or to repeat or even to carry out similar studies. But it does no one do you prefer Duesberg and similar serious working scientists a hard time, because it is much easier for critics. Duesberg itself does not complain publicly about it because of all serious working immunologists and virologists, he is still regarded as an authority in the field. Instead, he explains rather works like a virus detection. In a blood test, as is usually carried out, the blood is tested for antibodies. This is done in the investigation of other diseases not otherwise. Whenever the test is positive, then the person examined is considered to be immune. Only when he is suddenly HIV disease than from AIDS rather than immune to HIV as it to scientific and medical standards would actually be. There are also people who deny the existence of HIV. At least one of which a doped with thousand dollar price has stayed on the detection of HIV. This is not least the fact that the HIV antibody tests to react to some sixty other antibodies as well. Peter Duesberg has asked for the price to because he himself is one of the many scientists who have demonstrated the HIV already. Edited the award was not, however, apparently not enough photos as proof of. Perhaps we should send in virus particles?

The normal readers, even if he is interested in medical issues is still not know which side is right. Just because an opinion is established, it must not be wrong. Finally, there are many scientists or people who think they are scientists who believe that one can only fight AIDS in a certain way and should. But, conversely, must be allowed to apply the same. What it should only some of so-called AIDS denialists use, if people would die because of his statements? Media literacy is characterized in that the question of who any good (like a cui bono? Formulated ) never neglected! The political suppression of their statements, however well benefit both sides of a Pharmaïndustrie and the other, the latex industry. Both earn billions of dollars by the fear of AIDS and the fear of HIV (which is also broadcast mainly on needles). Nevertheless, it still may be a coincidence, because not heard of relating to the popular conspiracy theories. But how can the medical Layman to be now sure which side is right and which side wants to piss him?

We now know the statements of both sides and compare them with just another, both sides disputed statements on the subject. GP once had noted that many countries in Africa, the equipment to carry out investigations on HIV can not afford. Therefore, they agreed on a standard by which the AIDS diagnosis should be facilitated. This they did in the central African city of Bangui, Bangui, the so called standard definition. After the standard is diagnosed everyone who loses weight even when suffering from AIDS. That makes you, well noticed in countries where people starve to death! Therefore, there pretty much anyone who is at all familiar to the doctor, classified as suffering from AIDS. Suddenly you had conquered hunger in Africa by once again found the hunger deaths take place in the statistics of hunger deaths in the statistics of AIDS deaths. Still, the discovery of new Chinese scientists. Chinese AIDS researchers have discovered a new virus - at least, science writers claim that it was a virus - AIDS and the trigger would not be detected by tests for HIV. This would enable many HIV-negative AIDS cases are explained. What is special about this message that the Existence of HIV-negative AIDS cases is simply assumed to be known. Among scientists, it is nothing less than a given. Even better known are the many cases of HIV-positive people who in the opinion of politically correct medicine will never get AIDS and are immune as for genetic reasons. With such subjects (which began with Cuban prostitutes, then was the sense of shame still too pronounced to publish their names) work many AIDS researchers in search of a cure or even better (because more lucrative, if dangerous) a vaccine are. Had they watched in their basic courses, then they knew that Antibodies mediate immunity. HIV infections and AIDS cases that is actually not correlated with each other. So there can be no causality between the two diseases. Nevertheless, both are real, existing diseases. However, the symptoms persist in HIV exclusively of social exclusion, in many countries may not even enter infected. In Germany you can end up in prison for the infection, but only if one is simultaneously male sex.

If the facts are so simple and obviously would not then, other scientists in rows come to the same results? Yes, of course, and that happens too! Even Luc Montagnier, in turn, discoverer of HIV, has been thinking and now claims saying that the immune system of healthy people very light and fluffy finished with HIV . The do not admit even some of his most loyal followers. They prefer to declare their previous Idol crazy. The facts are so simple and obvious fact. The side of Peter Duesberg is right. The oppressors of his studies and findings hinder AIDS research and the serious HIV research. Not the claims of so-called AIDS denialists, where it is in fact nothing more than serious science endangered human lives, but the position, expressed by the Adminpedia, does! and believe me not, but takes it to yourself!


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