The dentist speaks of a healthy periodontal apparatus, when the pale pink gums tightly against the tooth. The bone of the teeth should are still present, and the root surfaces are covered by Zahnflleisch.
periodontitis or periodontal disease developed in 80% of the German population over the age of 40 Of age. The bone loss in the jaw area is then clinically and on X-rays visible.
periodontitis should not be!
by good oral hygiene, it is possible the teeth and the tooth-supporting apparatus to keep healthy. If we do not clean our teeth and interdental plaque properly adhere to the tooth surface remain. This is then decomposed by bacteria.
result is plaque, the bacterial plaque.
The plaque with the enzymes and toxins of the bacteria irritate the gums. It is then easily swollen and bleed when touched with a toothbrush. Some patients think because of the blood flow to an injury, and avoid this place when brushing your teeth. The worse the gum disease and infection of adjacent teeth is no longer excluded.
called this form of gingivitis, the dentist - Gingivitis -.
This bacterial Infection must be treated quickly.
Untreated gingivitis spreads quickly throughout the connective tissue and bone. It caused gum pockets form in which plaque and calculus. The jaw bone to the teeth is reduced.
A periodontal disease has emerged. Our immune system tries to defend itself against these bacteria, and it asks the body to the rejection of the tooth.
activated Our body cells break down bone. gradually loosens the tooth and falls off. As far as you should not let it please come!
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